James' Page 3-6 Months

October-November 2009

At almost 6 months, James can now roll over both ways, turn himself around, and almost sit up, as long as someone is holding his hands or his legs.  He has just discovered his toes, and when on his tummy he pushes himself up so high that his bum sometimes also comes up, frequently resulting in his pushing himself backwards!

He is eating more and more solid food, slowly mastering swallowing the spoonfuls rather than pushing them back out, and gradually working his way up to thicker and lumpier mixtures.

James is still one of the smiliest babies ever, always delighted to meet people and giggle with them.  He enjoys his personal playpen space, but nothing is better than some smiley interface. 


He also has fun on any of the various playmats, and got quite into the red ribbon that mum was using to wrap some presents. 


Whenever he is being held, he likes to stand up and bounce on people's laps - so he naturally he was like a fish in water with the borrowed baby bouncer!


Videos: Watch James going nuts in his baby bouncer here, and Thomas interacting with him here.

Mid-October 2009

James is now officially 5 months old, and still growing steadily.  He has outgrown most of his 6-month outfits, and is getting more and more interested in solid food (but especially loves trying to drink water from a glass).  Through the clear glass we can see the whiteness below the lower gums... surely those teeth can't be far now!

The health visitor weighed and measured him to about the same as the doctor the previous week (normally the two visits would be further apart but they were rearranged due to our Canada trip).  She predicted that he would soon be sitting up and also discovering his toes.

During a recent visit to Ikea, James tried out a baby play mat; of all the dangling toys, the hangtag was the most appealing.

He can't sit on his own yet, but he can be propped up with cushions, which makes him much happier in the pram than he was before.  As temperatures plunge in autumnal Copenhagen, he gets to try out some of his fall fashions...


We had a visit from big brother Thomas' mothergroup friend Johnny and little sister Leah (just two weeks younger than James).  Everybody seemed to hit it off very well!


October 2009

The week since returning from Canada has been full of excitement: besides general recovery from jetlag and spending remaining holiday time with family, James is starting to get tastes of various "solid" foods (rice porridge, mashed carrots etc; he had his 5-month doctor's appointment and vaccinations, as well as his second haircut.  The doctor pronounced him a strong, healthy boy measuring 6.5 cm (25.8 inches) and weighing 8.4kg (18.5 lb).

He appears to be getting used to the teething sensation, though he still finds it uncomfortable; a carrot provides a soothing teether while Mum preps dinner.

James loves to hang out in Thomas' room, and the two boys frequently get each other laughing in the early mornings while parents are just waking up.


September-October 2009: Holiday in Canada

James did quite well on his first long plane trip, only protesting briefly before takeoff; he didn't sleep much however, partially due to all the excitement and new people to look at, and partially due to teething.  He was far more irritable in the car, often crying and screaming when strapped into his car seat (although he oddly slept quite well in the same seat when not in the car!)


James has gotten very good at rolling onto his front, and thoroughly enjoyed a bit of tummy time with Rita the Cheetah on Mormor's living room floor.  Big brother Thomas was also happy to contribute to the entertainment!



Now that James is big enough to face forward in the sling, a whole new world of viewing possibilities has opened. He especially seems to enjoy looking at trees and other greenery, and a local playground provided plenty of that.


We had very good weather during our visit (seems they saved summer for us, the previous months having been very wet!)  It was even too hot for James on the local beach where Thomas and Dad were having lots of fun.  Back to the living room floor, to explore those sore gums and practice standing and jumping some more...



Even at four months, James is convinced he should be walking: see video here.

After a long drive from Southampton, Ontario to Montreal, Quebec and then north to Grandpa Ken's place at Lac Paré, James got to meet his grandfather and Catherine for the first time.  Here too, the weather was a bit "too nice" for James, who isn't really a fan of sun and heat just yet - but he was quite happy to hang out inside with Mum and Catherine for most of the visit, while Thomas explored the local attractions.


September 2009:

James has a great deal in common with Thomas, but one big difference is that he is not fond of his pacifier (fondly known as the "boo", as named by Thomas).  In the right mood, place and time he will suck on it, but more often will get enraged and spit it out again than be pacified! 

He's a pretty good sleeper, but like many babies will fight it in the evenings... even when he is really tired.  On the other hand he quite enjoys being in his crib, especially when we put up his colour animal banner with the textured details.


Other enjoyable places to hang out include the newly reassembled playpen, and the mini-duvet for which Cindy has finally gotten around to making a cover.  On firm surfaces like the playpen, when on his tummy he will raise his legs and arms and kind of "swim", often rotating around 360 degrees!  He is getting more and more coordinated with his hands, holding firmly onto various things and often putting them in his mouth.


Despite a mild cold, he is still his smiley self, especially when a) spotting his dad, b) being allowed to stand up (only minimal support required), or c) making eye contact with someone who is smiling at him.

He is still a very healthy eater, now weighing almost 8kg (over 17.5 lb!)  He has experienced his first haircut (trim around the ears and back of neck) and now enjoys facing forward while riding around in the Babybjorn sling.  Like his big brother, he is very curious about the world and likes to see what is going on.


Updated 12.11.09