A new Blankley on the way...

A new little bundle of joy is anticipated to arrive around July 5, 2006.  Cindy is feeling fine under the circumstances, everything seems to be progressing normally, and the shopping has begun...

Now that we know it's a boy, we've more or less settled on the name Thomas Valdemar: Thomas because it's pronounced and spelt more or less universally the same way in English, French and Danish; Valdemar for a little more unusual reminder of his Scandinavian birthplace.

(Click photos to enlarge)


Thursday, 12.1.06: The first, very exciting scan, where the baby's intial due date was estimated at July 8, putting us at 15 weeks pregnant already!



Wednesday, 22.2.06: At the second scan, the due date was revised to July 5.  We could see the 2 halves of the brain, the 4 parts of the heart beating, liver, kidneys, bladder, and a well-developed skeleton.  And we found out that we'll be having a son!


Saturday, 25.2.06: Cindy in week 22..

& the pram in which Thomas is likely to spend a good part of his first several months


Saturday, 18.3.06: Cindy in week 25!

Thomas is definitely starting to make his presence felt, not so much with defined kicks, but lots of squirming and wriggling. 

Cindy has gained about 4 kilos (9 lb) so far.



Saturday, 1.4.06: Cindy in week 27... mood swings alert!

Heard the baby's heartbeat for the first time at the doctor's on Monday... what an amazing sound.  Will probably get to hear it again at a scheduled midwife visit next Monday.


April.06: Canada visit over Easter (wks 28-30)

Had a super trip both ways, spent a couple days in the office and rest visiting family and friends in Montreal and Southampton - not to mention an impromptu drop-in to a wedding in Ottawa!

Weather was fantastic, especially the second week.  Whoever thought we'd be lying in deck chairs in our shorts getting sunburnt in April?!


Saturday, 29.4.06: Cindy in week 31

This week has been a bit tougher.  Not only are we a bit jet-lagged from the Canada return trip, but as part of Monday's 'sukkerbelastning' (test for gestational diabetes) Cindy couldn't eat or drink anything, even water, for 10 hours from Sunday night to Monday morning.  At the hospital she then had to drink half a litre of glucose water within 5 minutes, and then sit quietly for two hours before having a blood test to see how the sugar was absorbed into the blood.  Fortunately the result was normal, 6.7. But she felt queasy and uncomfortable the rest of the day, and had trouble getting into any normal sleeping pattern the rest of the week.  Maybe it's just that stage of the pregnancy, as the baby gets bigger and squishes mom's organs more and more!  But feeling much better after a quiet weekend, will see how our body rhythms take shape this week.

Jonathan felt his first kicks this week!



Saturday, 13.5.06: Cindy in week 33

After the first week or so back in DK, Cindy started feeling more herself again.  Sometimes she'll get short of breath, and it's getting harder to find comfortable positions to sleep in, but it's amazing what one's body can get used to!  Have started going to antenatal classes, and the stretches and basic exercises learnt there do seem to help quite a bit.

Still lots of movements going on inside - little T seems to have turned himself head-up this week.



Saturday, 27.5.06: Cindy in week 35

A midwife visit just after the last update confirmed that the baby was trying out life with head up.  He's still got a week or two to turn around again (if he hasn't already), otherwise they'll try to "persuade him"... and if he's still in breech position and over a certain weight by the due date, he'll be born by Caesarian.  To which their are pros and cons - but we're not worrying about it, as the main thing is that baby and mum are still growing healthily and doing well.

Been shopping today, bought bottle stuff (bottles, nipples, brush and steriliser) - thanks Cindi, Diana and Caroline for your contributions to this purchase! 


Saturday, 10.6.06: Cindy in week 37

Now on maternity leave, and the sun has come out in Copenhagen to enjoy it with us.  The baby is moving often, although he's clearly not got much room for gymnastics.  Pretty sure he's turned around again, but will get that confirmed at a midwife appointment Monday.

From next Wednesday (end week 37) he'll no longer be considered premature when he's born!



Thursday, 15.5.06 (start week 38) - turn, turn, turn...

The midwife who checked us out Monday was pretty sure that the baby was still in breech position (only 3-4% of babies are at this time), so she made us an appointment at the hospital the next day for a scan to make sure, and referred us to some literature about how they can try to turn the baby from the outside (aka ECV - External cephalic version).  Tuesday's scan confirmed their findings, and two different doctors had a try at turning him, but he really seemed quite comfortable where he was and showed no inclination to flip.  Typical that our son will be stubborn and contrary! We went home with some literature on breech deliveries and planned caesarians, and an appointment for another scan the next day to try to evaluate his weight.

Wednesday afternoon found us back at the hospital, getting yet another scan (a nice bonus, all these extra scans!)  Thomas was wagging his index finger at the camera, much to everyone's amusement.  His weight was estimated at 3146 grams (about 6.5 pounds) - right on average for the start of 38th week, and an indication that he'll probably be around 3500 grams at full term.  Based on that weight, plenty of amniotic fluid, no indication of feet or other limbs stuck in awkward places, and us feeling strong enough for it, a breech birth was considered a viable option - but it was up to us and what we felt most comfortable with, and we just didn't really have a strong gut feeling one way or the other.  Breech birth or caesarian - both have risks, both have pros and cons... we decided to talk to a doctor and find out whether there was always someone on duty with experience in breech presentations, and try to get some more info.

We then met Doctor Tom, who it transpires is very experienced at ECV, and he offered to give it a try.  Same bed, same scan, different fingers (this was one of those times where big hands are better - wasn't quite as uncomfortable as the day before).  Other than that it felt more or less the same - but within a couple of minutes he was pressing in different places, saying that he'd turned but he was just checking that no limbs were caught in funny positions... Cindy thought she'd misheard and had to ask him to repeat what he'd said!  Half an hour with the CTG scan to make sure baby's heartbeat was still steady, and we were done with hospital visits for the week.  But it was actually kind of nice to get to know that part of the hospital before we end up there in more extreme circumstances - it's quite nice, with indoor and outdoor sitting areas, birds singing in the hedges, and very friendly and helpful staff.

So after all that thinking, poking and prodding - we're back to plan A.  Of course he could still turn back, so we have another scan on Monday to make sure he's in place.  And Turning Tom, as Jonathan has dubbed the doctor with the magic hands, will be available to flip him back again if necessary - he also recommended that we be induced if that is the case, before he flips back yet again.  But so far, 24 hours later, he seems to be getting used to his new position.  Cindy is now feeling more of that pressure on the bladder that she's been reading about... but other than that, in pretty good shape.



Saturday, 24.6.06: Cindy in week 39

Thomas is still 'heading' the right way, and seems to have dropped down a little lower - perhaps beginning to engage into position.  Since he's changed position Cindy has started feeling more pressure lower down, but is still generally doing fine and not in any major discomfort.

Only 11 days til due date - although apparently the average for first-time births is 4 days later. 



Thank you to Cindy's dad for Paco the Belgian donkey, plush toy and mobile

& to Catherine for the Lamaze activity gym + infant car seat, as well as Stewie the bunny!


Wednesday, 5.7.06 - sunny rooftop at 40 weeks

Well today is the official due date, but Cindy's pretty sure it will still be a few days before Thomas makes his appearance.  The due date is estimated based on statistical averages after all, and even with that consideration first-borns are usually a bit later.  So we won't be surprised if it's still another week or so to go.

And under the circumstances, Cindy's still feeling fine, taking it easy in the shade as we enjoy an unusually warm Copenhagen summer.  Although looking forward to meeting the new member of the family, we're also making sure to appreciate the quiet time we have left as a couple - as well as hoping that Jonathan's broken foot will heal up a bit more as each day goes by.

Updated 06.7.06