Thomas at 21-24 months

April 2008

The fascination with cars continues, and Thomas was delighted to stumble on a display at the local shopping center, running from one model to the next delightedly shouting "CAR"!

He impressed his mom with his tricycle skills at a local playground, and had a great time riding around with classmate Johanna, just back from Australia.



In mid-April Cindy had some work to do in Montreal, so Jonathan and Thomas came along for the journey; once the work was done, we all enjoyed a few days off together in wonderful spring weather.

Cindy's colleague Justyna captured some lovely photos, during the journey out as well as on various shopping sprees. Thomas quickly became fond of "Jimmy" and was even willing to sit on her lap during restless moments in various restaurants.  He also learnt to say "cheese!" when she had the camera out.


Our hotel had some very practical amenities including kitchenette, swimming pool, laundry room, internet, small terrace just off the room, and the usual favourites: phones and stairs.




Thomas' grandmother "Mormor" flew in for a couple of days, and enjoyed some quality time at Lafontaine Park as well as the local Build-A-Bear workshop. Thomas chose a grey-and-black striped cat, who was duly stuffed, equipped with a meow and christened "Fuzzy".   Thanks Mormor for the great photos!



It was indeed some strange weather: snowing when we arrived, and 26 degrees when we left 10 days later, with brilliant sunshine every single day.


More fun food shots...


On Sunday we drove north and spent the day with Morfar (Grandad) at his campsite in the Lanaudiere region, where there was still plenty of snow.  Thomas made and threw his first snowballs, stamped on his first snow castles and learnt to walk around on the slippery deck where the snow had just been cleared.  And he found some more steps...


During the last few days of the trip we did some more tourist things around Montreal: visited the Notre Dame Cathedral, the Biodome, walked around the Old Port, found the Trans-Canada Trail pavilion where Cindy & Jonathan's names are engraved (a contribution was made in their name as a wedding present from the Lavoies), ate dinner at Place Jacques-Cartier where a clown made a balloon dog for Thomas, and made several visits to the fountain at Complexe Desjardins, sometimes enjoying a frozen yoghurt or a "beavertail" along the way.



May 2008

As usual Thomas' development was stimulated very much during our travels, this time especially in terms of language.  He can now count to ten in English and Danish, say his own name as well as many of the other kids' in his day care group, and has started trying to sing some favourite songs including "Row row row your boat", "Head shoulders knees & toes", and the name song with which every day at the nursery begins: "Thomas, Thomas, Ta-ta-ta-ta-ta....."

He has also become very dextrous with kicking or throwing a ball around, handling a fork or a spoon, and pouring from one container to another.  We took advantage of some lovely warm temperatures to visit a local beach, and although the water was too cold for a dip, there was plenty of entertainment to be had from pouring sand and chasing a ball.



Later the same day we went to a birthday party for Maney from the English mothergroup, who turned 2! Thomas was in his element with swings, a tricycle, lots of toy balls, things to climb on, and strawberries to eat.


June - July 2008

We seem to spend a lot of time in playgrounds these days, despite variable weather.  During the month of May we got rained on lightly in Kongens Have, rode tricycles and fed goats in the sunshine in Remiseparken, and played on the see-saw at a local playground with Isabella and her mum Renata.  We're lucky to have access to so many different playgrounds with varying features!






We have fun well outside the playground too.  We joined our friends at the beach one sunny weekend, where Thomas, Marvin and Carla found ways to share fun with an inflatable wading pool.  Thomas' particular contribution was to haul water up the beach, and especially to pour it from the pail - regardless of whether it actually made it into the pool, he certainly enjoyed the process.



Although still quite wary of other people until he gets to know them, he became quite attached to mom's visiting friends from Canada Cindi & Diana; he even allowed Cindi to hold his hand during a visit to Malmo, Sweden on the last day of her stay.

In general, he's still very possessive of all his things - especially balls, tricycles and family members.


Another current favourite occupation is playing with the bathroom sink after his bath.  He got a little tired of the camera flash though!


July 9

Enjoying his last yoghurt of his second year!


Updated 10.07.08