Thomas at 2½-3 years old

June-July 2009

Thomas has lots of friends in kindergarden, but he especially loves to play with Ingeborg, a sweet little girl about his age.  Finally we arranged to get together with her family at their "beach house", where the two had a great time splashing in the water, playing with balls and feathers, and playing all sorts of make believe games back at the cottage.  Thomas was quite chivalrous, helping to push Ingeborg up the hill on her bike and allowing her to ride on the back while he pedalled!

Thomas and Jonathan chose one of the hottest days of the year to get their hair cut, only Thomas' second time at a proper barber's.  Mr. Birch took good care of them both, and in the end there were smiles all around.  Later in the day Thomas and Marvin had some fun splashing in a wading pool, and cavorting with their dads on the lawn as the day cooled off.




Assorted pictures from the past year in day care

As Thomas graduates from day care (vuggestue) to kindgergarden (børnehave), we got an update of some of the photos that had been taken of him over the past year.  Some shots from the playground including making sand cakes with Ingeborg; hunting tadpoles (they watch them grow into frogs and then later release them at a local nature centre); Christmas dinner; and several shots from Fastelavn in February (similar to Carnival).  Children dress up, hit a barrel with a stick to knock candies out (or fruit and popcorn in this sugar-free institution), and in some cases go door to door similar to Hallowe'en traditions in North America.




June 2009

Thomas had some fun whizzing around on a two-wheeled bike (with stabilisers) at a BBQ with Marvin and friends:


More cooking fun: pancakes and mini pizzas!


Sharing tummy time with baby brother James


Thomas is gradually adjusting to the presence of a little baby brother in the family.  He's always very gentle and attentive around James, although he sometimes finds it all a bit much and attempts various diversions to get some attention back his way.


Luckily our many visitors during late May / early June were happy to spend lots of time with him, playing "big boy" games, doing puzzles, going to the playground and the zoo, and helping out with basic routines at home.  Mormor (Danish for grandma, litteraly mother's mother) enjoyed spending some time with him in the balcony garden, although she was a bit surprised by his carrot "thinning" technique (trying to replant the fistfulls of shoots that he'd pulled up in other areas!)  His Granny and Auntie Lisa introduced him to the delights of fresh pea pods, which he enjoyed tremendously.


Enjoying Sunday Dinner courtesy of Auntie Lisa, for dad's birthday - and some upside down antics to aid digestion...


Various local playgrounds: the frequently visited "big slide" on Artillerivej (sometimes followed by lunch or brunch at Kulturhuset):



Remiseparken, with the famous spaghetti-eating goats:


A spontaneous visit to a neighborhood estate's local playground was pleasantly enhanced by meeting Johanna from Thomas' daycare and her parents, who were in the process of making improvements including lots of new sand for the sandbox!  Thomas is looking forward to joining Johanna, as well as some of his other old playmates, in kindergarden (børnehave) in a few weeks' time.


May 2009

Thomas is now a proud big brother!  See more pictures of baby James here.

A week or so earlier we made another outing to the zoo, stopping first to feed the ducks and geese in Frederiksberg Have.  At the zoo Thomas and friends Marvin and Carla were treated to a ride in one of the little wagons they provide.  We all then enjoyed a picnic lunch near the monkey house, after which the kids went to sleep.  Good thing we all have year passes!


Thomas' Bedroom

Thomas' room has been updated with a new bookcase, table and chairs, dresser and dinosaur curtains:


Early May

Thomas had his first haircut by a professional barber, much to the relief of his mother.  Don't dad and son make a picture!

Having fun playing with dominoes:


Cindy recruited one of the mums from Thomas' international mothergroup to help make some light-blocking curtains for Thomas' room, and daughter Isabella and Thomas had a lot of fun blowing soap bubbles on the balcony and climbing on the sofa.


April 2009

Lovely weather on Easter Sunday found us out with Marvin and family at Dyrehave, a large park north of the city with lots of deer (which we didn't see) and other wildlife.  Thomas and Marvin had a grand time running, cycling, climbing and chasing balls and frisbees.  After their respective naps we also wandered over to the water and sampled our first beachside ice creams and sand castles of the year.

Thomas has been getting a little artistic, both with painting T's on his Easter eggs as well as with various artworks which have come home with him from the nursery.  The mask was from Fastelavn (Carnival) in February, and the little egg in the glass should have had cress growing out of it's "hair" (had we known to water it!)



Happy Easter!

Thomas and neighbour Safari got right into their first Easter Egg hunt on the lawn next to our building.



In early April we joined Marvin and family for a visit to the zoo.  Although both boys love seeing all the animals, the highlight for them was probably the bike ride and duck-feeding session in Frederiksberg Have.  After zoo, lunch and nap, we all enjoyed some outdoor play time in Marvin's back yard; Thomas in particular loves to go in and out of the little playhouse, complete with toy stove where the boys took turns making "meatball lunches".



The weather has been getting more and more springlike, and we're taking advantage of the warmer days to spend more time at the playground and outside cafes.  During one recent outing Thomas found a field hockey stick, which made an entertaining sand toy.



From our apartment we have a magnificent view of the current road / sewer works taking place outside our building - wonderful entertainment for a two-year old!


Thomas still loves yoghurt, sometimes getting a little too enthusiastic...



Updated 19.07.09